Automated Warehouses vs. Manual Warehouses - Which is More Efficient?

June 15, 2022

Warehouse management has come a long way from the days of employees manually managing and organizing inventory. With the advancements of technology, automated warehouses have become a popular option for businesses looking to streamline their operations. But which is more efficient - an automated warehouse or a manual one? Let's dive in and find out!

Manual Warehouses

Manual warehouses operate with the help of human labor. Employees are responsible for picking, storing, and managing inventory. Employees use forklifts or other material handling equipment to move items from one location to another. The accuracy of this process, therefore, relies heavily on the employees' skills and attention to detail.

On the downside, manual warehouses are susceptible to human error, leading to inefficiencies, delays, and higher costs. For example, if an employee picks the wrong item or misplaces an item, the business may suffer a loss.

Automated Warehouses

Automated warehouses are designed to operate using computer-controlled, robotic systems. These systems can manage inventory, pick, and store products with remarkable speed and accuracy. The use of machines and advanced software results in fewer errors, lower operational costs, and increased efficiency.

Furthermore, automated warehouses operate 24/7, leading to substantial improvements in production output. Automated warehouses have a higher capacity to store inventory without incurring additional costs on rented space, warehouses can hold more goods and reduce the need for large warehouses.

Which is More Efficient?

In terms of efficiency, automated warehouses are way ahead of manual warehouses. Because automated warehouses depend on machines, workflows are consistent and uniform, leading to fewer cases of human error. Automated warehouses are capable of storing and delivering goods promptly, slashing operational costs and reducing lead times. Smaller and mid-range businesses can benefit from them as well, from retail to pharmaceuticals.

Still, manually-run warehouses can give a competitive edge against small or seasonal goods or products. Depending on what product needs to be picked, how many are in stock, and the frequency, manual warehouse systems may be sufficient, leading to reduced costs.

At the end of the day, the type of warehouse a business chooses to adopt depends on their objectives, budget, volume of products, and other factors. However, as innovative robotics and technologies emerge, automated systems will become more affordable and instinct to use.


  • Weber, Christopher. “Here's How Costco Is Using Robots to Increase Efficiency at Its Warehouses.” Fortune, Fortune Media IP Limited, 31 Mar. 2022,
  • “Manual vs Automated Warehouses: Which Is Better?” Red Stag Fulfillment, Red Stag Fulfillment, 18 May 2021,
  • Smith, Rodney. “Automated Vs. Manual Warehousing: Which Is Right for Your Business?” Business Matters, Business Matters, 5 Apr. 2022,

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